Thursday, September 29, 2011

Inspirational Quotes

Major Contributors of Head Start and Child Care

"Only when professionals understand culturally sensitive care and are in close communication with families, can they understand how to work towards positive outcomes for children's identity, sense of belonging, and cultured competence"
                               -Janet Gonzales-Mena M.A.-

"Once we considered education a public expense; we know now that it is a public investment"
                               - Lyndon B. Johnson-

The Passion for Early Childhood: Five Professionals

"I have a passion to create a just and safe world for children"
                                 - Lousie Derman-Sparks-

"We as professionals in the Early Childhood field have the opportunity to shape a child's life"
                                  - Sandy Escobida-

"There is more to life than whats in a child's neighborhood"
                                   - Raymond Hernandez MS. ED-

"It's not all about you; you have to let your ego go and think what is best for the child"
                                   - Renatta M. Cooper-

"My passion is to bring ideas and passion into policy and influence research"
                                    - Leticia Lara LCSW-

Additional Quotes

"All human beings are born with unique gifts; the healthy functioning of our community depends on its capacity to develop each gift"
-Peter Senge-

 "Its not who you attend school with but who controls the school you attend"
-Nick Gioranne-

"Learning is a matter of intensity not elapsed time"
-Tom Peters-

"What we want to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child"
-G B Shaw-

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I enjoyed reading your quotes, they are very inspirational! I think the one that really impacted me the most is the following:

    "There is more to life than whats in a child's neighborhood"
    - Raymond Hernandez MS. ED-

    I grew up in a very poor neighborhood. My parents divorced and it was all my mother could afford. We didn't have much but she always seemed to provide for me. I remember having conversations about our dreams, places we would like to travel. They all seemed like fairytales. My neighborhood was full of drugs and crime, and the influences were not the best. She managed to save up enough money to move us into a better neighborhood and I attended a good school. She worked her way through college and we were able to travel to the places we used to dream about and many more. I am now working my way through college. She is an inspiration.

    I think kids need to realize that no matter what their circumstances are it is up to them to determine their fate. In this country we can accomplish anything we put our minds to, it is our right. This is where teachers come into play. It is our job to make them realize this.
