Friday, December 23, 2011


Children Need:

Appreciation, for all they bring into our lives
Balance, somewhere between too little and too much
Commitment, it’s the little things we do each day that matter
Dreams, to touch the future
Empathy, remember what it was like to be a child
Family and Friends, everyone needs someone to love
Guidance, actions speak louder than words
Healthy Habits, to nurture body, mind, and spirit
Inspiration, to explore beauty, wonder, and mystery
Joy, sprinkle laughter and happiness daily
Kindness, to learn to care for others as they are cared for
Limits, set boundaries and consequences
Mentors, to give wings to their aspirations
Nature, to delight in rainbow butterflies and shooting stars
Opportunities, to discover what truly makes their hearts sing
Play, the “work” of childhood
Quite Time, to recharge their batteries
Responsibilities, to build self esteem and self-confidence
Security, feeling safe is essential for growth
Traditions, keep family tree alive and sprout new branches
Unconditional Love, for who they are not for what they do
Values, live yours and encourage them to find theirs
Words of Encouragement, you can do it, I believe in you
XOXOXO’s, hug and kiss them each and every day
You, your presence more than your presents
ZZZZZZZs, a good night’s sleep

-Written by Meiji Stewart-

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post! I love that it follows the ABC's! I am going to post this in my classroom to look at during challenging times to draw some inspiration! Thank you for posting this and other useful information both here on our blog and in our classroom discussions. I respect your work, and I hope to see you in future courses as well! Happy holidays! ~Amanda
